
Acupuncture originated in China more than 3,000 years ago, and due to its proven effectiveness, has been embraced throughout the world. Energy circulates throughout the body along well-defined pathways, or meridians. Points on the skin along these pathways are energetically connected to specific organs, body structures, and systems…


Cupping is a therapy in which a jar (cup) is attached to the surface of the skin using suction. This suction is caused by the introduction of a negative pressure using an ignited material to heat the air within the jar. As the air cools suction is created within the the cup, causing the patient’s skin to be pulled into it…

Chinese Herbology

Herbology is an important and valuable part of this Miami Acupuncture practice. Chinese herbology is one of the three branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine along with acupuncture and oriental bodywork. Herbal formulas are prescribed in order to balance a patient energetically between acupuncture treatments. Chinese herbs can be used alone as well…

Low Level Laser Therapy

Low level laser therapy is a wonderful way of promoting healing in ones body. This type of laser therapy has no side effects, and great benefits by adding ATP and repairing mitochondria of aged or damaged cells. One can describe the influence of local laser on the body as “biological induction” which is for the body as the “butterfly effect” is for our environment…

Natural Healing

Assisting patients in creating and maintaining their optimal health, using various modalities of traditional Chinese medicine, in order to balance mind, body and spirit. Taking each person from where they are, to where they want to be.


Acupuncture originated in China more than 3,000 years ago, and due to its proven effectiveness, has been embraced throughout the world. Energy circulates throughout the body along well-defined…

Chinese Herbology

Herbology is an important and valuable part of this Miami Acupuncture practice. Chinese herbology is one of the three branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine along with acupuncture and oriental bodywork…


Cupping is a therapy in which a jar (cup) is attached to the surface of the skin using suction. This suction is caused by the introduction of a negative pressure using an ignited material to heat the air…